Trust the experts at Altra POC Repair for your Caire Eclipse repair services. Our repair technicians are factory trained and certified to repair the Caire Eclipse 5 for out of warranty units. We do not repair Caire products that are under warranty. We provide free inbound shipping and a free, no obligation repair quote. If you decide you do not want to move forward with your Caire Eclipse 5 servicing, only pay the return shipping.
When we receive your Eclipse unit, we complete a thorough evaluation using the Caire provided diagnostic computer software and provide a free detailed estimate. We can repair all issues, including not charging, alarming, low oxygen purity, noisy, and more! See the Eclipse 5 troubleshooting guides below.

Free Estimates
Get a free estimate for your Caire Eclipse 5 repair

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Our factory authorized techs are fast, with the best repair times in the industry.